Q1. Is OSHA required for restaurants and bars?

Yes. OSHA compliance is required for all employees, all employers, and all establishments conducting business in the United States, and its territories. So, yes, OSHA is required for all restaurants and bars and the owners, managers, employees, executives, vendors, and others that work in them. OSHA was mandated in 1971. Be sure to watch our video about OSHA requirements and the training we offer to meet the standards and requirements, or feel free to dig into the code for yourself at OSHA.GOV.

Q2. Why am I just now finding out that this is required for my restaurants, bars, or employees? How does this process work?

Poor marketing by our Federal and State Governments, I guess. Plus, they and the lawyers all seem to benefit more if you don't comply and you get sued after something bad happens. Every restaurant, bar, and food service industry establishment should have an OSHA poster mounted on the wall. Does that sound familiar? Have you ever read it? It says, with clarity, that OSHA is the law and that you must comply with the law. Not sure what else to tell you other than this. To comply with the law, you must do a lot more than just stick a poster on the wall. That simply isn't enough, and therefore, our program will not only help you follow the OSHA guidelines, codes, standards, policies, procedures and safety rules, but it is written specifically for restaurants. Be sure to watch our video about OSHA requirements and the training we offer to meet the standards and requirements. All restaurants, bars, and food service establishments, doing business anywhere across the US and its territories, fall under the General Industry category. 

Our Founder and CEO, Howard Cannon, is a Forensic Expert Witness for restaurant and bar industry lawsuits in State and Federal courts across the Country - his company is Restaurant Expert Witness.  Feel free to Google him for yourself or check out his website at RestaurantExpertWitness.com.  Howard wrote the textbook, the curriculum's, and the course workbooks for Restaurant OSHA Safety and Security, and has also appeared on several nationally acclaimed television shows. 

Just like all the other OSHA curriculum, an expert wrote a curriculum for that industry, and then it was eventually adopted by our Federal Government and OSHA at a later date. OSHA adopted classes are mandatory curriculum's for the different OSHA industry sectors (i.e. Agriculture, Maritime, General, etc.). We expect the same process to take place with Restaurant OSHA Safety and Security. Our curriculum, much like those others, are strictly based on OSHA law, safety rules, standards, codes, and guidelines, and then given industry specifics in order to make it work comprehensively for that industry. 

Q3. OSHA says I can create my own training program for my establishment and my employees- is that true? And, if so, why should I use yours?

Yes. That is true. You can create your own. The easy answer is, Use Restaurant OSHA to save lots of time, lots of headache, and lots of money. You are more than welcome to create your own OSHA safety and security training and compliance program. However, we spent more than 1,000 hours of research, more than 14 months of time, and roughly $400,000 of time, resources, and cold-hard-cash creating this curriculum, textbooks, workbooks, and online courses. 

We have made safety and security easily accessible for you. Just buy our programs, for a few bucks, for every manager and every employee on your team, and train them and get back to running successful restaurants and bars. We bring the Management-Level and Employee-Level classes and curriculums, which are easy to understand and highly affordable, to you for a simple price. Plus, what we give you, you will refer back to over the next two years, many, many times.  So, you can do all that research and put a training program together yourself, or you could just buy ours. It really is that simple.

Q4. Who is required to be OSHA trained? 

All restaurant employers, employees, managers, executives, support staff, and vendors. Plus, the training must be continual and ongoing. That is why our workbooks are extremely jam-packed. You will never get through all of it in one class anyway, so you can refer back to it over and over again. You can dig into sections that you may not have reviewed all that much, or at all.  It is a workbook designed to be referenced daily, weekly, monthly, continually... many times.  If you are servicing any kind of ready-made foods or drinks, you must have continual and ongoing training and Restaurant OSHA Safety and Security will give you just that.

Q5. How long is my training and certificate of completion good for?

Management-Level and Employee-Level is to be renewed every two (2) years. 

Q6. How long does it take to complete a Management-Level or Employee-Level Class?

For online courses, the average time is 2.5 to 3 hours +/- to complete a course. 

Q7.  Do insurance companies require their restaurant clients to be OSHA trained? Do I have to be OSHA trained if my insurance company doesn't require it? Do insurance companies offer discounted rates to restaurant, bar, and food service establishments for this training? 

Insurance companies can be very powerful, but they do not have precedent over the law. Some insurance companies require you to have training and most all highly recommend it because they want you to reduce risk and reduce claims and damages if, and when, someone gets injured, harmed, sickened, maimed, or killed on your premises. You may want to look at your own policy  or ask your own insurance carrier to see what they say. Some will give you discounted rates if you are trained. Either way, you must abide by the law, and the law says that you have to be in compliance with OSHA, but they don't care how you go about getting trained and training those that work for you. Ask your insurance carrier for the discount because your employees are better trained, more aware, and you have reduced risk for both their benefit and yours. 

Q8. How do I know if my state, city, or county requires OSHA compliance?

They do! It is Federal Law. Federal Law trumps State Law. When a Federal expert comes to your door wanting to see your OSHA training materials, certifications, standards, policies, procedures, safety rules, and more because you are chin deep into a lawsuit or insurance claim- and you do not have it, it will not end well. How many times have you had someone almost cut their finger off in the kitchen? Ever had a freshly mopped floor, but forgot to put out the "wet floor" signs or even put out the signs and someone still slipped and fell? What about that wobbly table or chairs with un-tightened nuts and bolts holding the thing firmly together? Ever felt like you needed security cameras to ward off unwanted advances in a dark part of your restaurant? Ever see a need to get a light for that dark space? All of these types of matters fall under OSHA safety and security standards, and all and more are addressed in our restaurant specific industry curriculum on how to create and maintain a safe and secure environment for you, your employees, and your customers. Get trained, tested, and certified to help reduce risk and ward off unpleasant happenings and incidents at your places of business.